Sartorius Starts up Operations at Expanded Site in Puerto Rico

After investing more than 100 million U.S. dollars, Sartorius, a leading international partner of biopharmaceutical research and the industry, started up its expanded manufacturing operations in Yauco, Puerto Rico.

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Puerto Rico Terreno Fértil para los Seguros Internacionales

Según varios ejecutivos, la isla es una plaza idónea para prestar servicios financieros al exterior.

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Inversionista impulsa a Isla Verde con su propio DMO

CAROLINA - Isla Verde, área turística localizada en el municipio de Carolina, tendrá su propia Organización para el Mercadeo como Destino (DMO, por sus siglas en inglés) a partir de marzo del año en curso.

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Urgen a invertir en Puerto Rico Ahora

La sexta edición de Puerto Rico Investment Summit arrancó ayer en el renovado El San Juan Hotel, con un mensaje en el que coincidieron manejadores de fondos, inversionistas, expertos financieros y representantes del gobierno: el momento para invertir en Puerto Rico es ahora.

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Opportunity Zones Sparks the Puerto Rico Investment Summit

Opportunity Zones has become the new, hot topic at the Puerto Rico Investment Summit, a premier investment conference known for its comprehensive coverage of the Island's unique tax incentive laws and investment opportunities. Two complete sessions will be dedicated to Opportunity Zones, covering both technical and practical sides, showcasing opportunities on the Island.

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6th edition of P.R. Investment Summit set for Feb. 14-15

The 6th edition of the Puerto Rico Investment Summit will take place Feb. 14-15, 2019, at the newly renovated El San Juan Hotel, in Isla Verde, organizers announced.

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6th Edition of the Puerto Rico Investment Summit Set for February

The 6th edition of Puerto Rico’s premier investment conference, Puerto Rico Investment Summit, will take place on February 14th and 15th, 2019, at the newly renovated El San Juan Hotel, in Isla Verde. Each year, over 400 investors and business owners gather to learn about the tax incentives, competitive advantages, and opportunities that make Puerto Rico a unique destination.

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International financial entities in Puerto Rico

International Financial Entities (IFEs) are licensed and regulated by the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions pursuant to Act No. 273 of September 25, 2012, as amended (the IFE Act) and Regulation No. 5653. The IFE Act prospectively replaces the International Banking Entities (IBEs) under the former International Banking Regulatory Act, Act No. 52 of 1989, and offers tax incentives to IFEs that set up operations in Puerto Rico, subject to the licensing requirement and regulatory powers of the Commissioner.

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Why “Qualified Opportunity Zones” May Be the Next Hot Thing in Investing

The ability to defer capital gains tax for 10 years under a new law is attracting widespread interest.

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Puerto Rico issues its own Opportunity Zone legislation

The U.S. Tax Reform created a new rule under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “US Code”), that allows investors to defer the recognition of capital gains by investing in a Qualified Opportunity Fund that invests in Qualified Opportunity Zones. As part of this legislation, almost 95% of Puerto Rico was designated as an Opportunity Zone.

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San Juan - DERFUL

San Juan - DERFUL

Puerto Rico Convention Center
A world-class facility recognized in FM Facility Manager magazine September/October 2018 issue.

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Wisin recibirá una exención contributiva bajo la Ley 20

Grammy winner Wisin recently received an Act 20 decree for Export Services for his company Music Entertainment LLC.

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U.S. Treasury releases proposed regulations on Opportunity Zones

SAN JUAN – Months after Puerto Rico was designated a so-called Opportunity Zone, the U.S. Treasury Department issued Friday proposed guidance for the related tax incentives.

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Puerto Rico designated an Opportunity Zone under US tax reform

SAN JUAN – Gov. Ricardo Rosselló announced Monday that the U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) designated Puerto Rico among 18 Opportunity Zones.

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Alegan que tener un socio local puede ser beneficioso

Para los inversionistas que exploran oportunidades en la isla y que aún no conocen bien cómo se hace negocios en el país, podría ser efectivo el asociarse o establecer una alianza con una empresa local.

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Entusiastas del bitcoin ven en la isla el destino ideal

En el mundo de las criptomonedas -del cual el bitcoin es su ejemplo más popular y el blockchain es la tecnología que le sirve como base- el nombre de Puerto Rico es mencionado cada vez con más frecuencia entre la comunidad de inversionistas en el segmento.

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Unos inversionistas chinos alaban a Puerto Rico

La firma Yingke Caribbean China Center está tan fascinada con Puerto Rico que se ha propuesto educar a sus pares alrededor del mundo sobre las oportunidades que tiene la isla para hacer negocios.

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Llegan más propuestas de infraestructura a la Junta

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Prevén que a la isla le quedan 10 meses para encausar ajuste de la deuda

A Puerto Rico le quedan, a lo sumo, unos 10 meses para encausar la reestructuración de su deuda o, de lo contrario, el proceso que se concibió en el Congreso para sacar a la isla de su prolongada crisis económica y fiscal podría quedar en un limbo ante la pronta llegada de otro ciclo electoral, tanto en Estados Unidos como a nivel local.

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Estiman en 3 años el proceso de privatización de la AEE

Más allá de una manifestación por parte del primer mandatario para establecer su intención de privatizar la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), a tres semanas del anuncio la Fortaleza todavía no ha presentado el proyecto de ley que habilitaría ese procedimiento, que según el propio Ricardo Rosselló Nevares tomaría 18 meses.

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Carrión III le baja dos a la celebración de asignación de fondos

El presidente de la Junta de Control Fiscal, José Carrión III, advirtió que la asignación millonaria otorgada por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos a la Isla no debe pensarse como la solución a los problemas económicos que enfrentamos.

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JCF sigue adelante con la incineradora pese a retiro de endoso de Rosselló

El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló Nevárez, retiró este fin de semana su endoso al proyecto de incineración de desperdicios propuesto para Arecibo por la empresa Energy Answers, pero el Coordinador de Revitalización de la Junta de Control Fiscal (JCF), Noel Zamot, dijo al Centro de Periodismo Investigativo que, aunque la posición del gobernador constará en el récord, él mantiene su recomendación de que esta propuesta sí figure en la lista de 11 proyectos críticos que impulsaría la Junta.

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Cryptocurrency investors flock to Puerto Rico Investment Summit

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s annual investment summit, a two-day conference to woo investors to the bankrupt U.S. territory and the first since Hurricane Maria devastated the island, sported some new faces, particularly from the fast-growing cryptocurrency world.

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Anticipan creación del primer criptobanco en Puerto Rico

El jefe del fondo de cobertura Putnam Bridge Funding y el denominado portavoz de los beneficios de las leyes 20 y 22, Nicholas Prouty, reconoció ha habido un aumento dramático en la entrada de inversionistas desde el paso de los huracanes, particularmente de la industria de las criptomonedas.

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Puerto Rico Investment Summit to showcase opportunities

The fifth edition of the Puerto Rico Investment Summit that kicks off Feb. 12 in San Juan will focus on new business possibilities on the island after the devastating Hurricane Maria passed across Puerto Rico last year. The event was slated for October 2017, but the conditions in Puerto Rico just weeks after storm led to its postponement until 2018.

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El Puerto Rico Investment Summit busca seducir a inversionistas

Después de una década de contracción económica y del impacto de dos huracanes en un mes, Puerto Rico vive “un momento de tremenda preocupación y también de gran oportunidad”.

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2018: Starting down Puerto Rico’s road to economic prosperity

In 2017, Puerto Rico suffered the most critical disaster in 100 years when it sustained a direct hit from Hurricane Maria. But while our priority and focus remains on saving lives, restoring basic services to the most vulnerable segments of our society and helping businesses return to normal operations, we must also look to the future of the new, stronger 21st century Puerto Rico we will build in 2018 and beyond. Now is the time to look to the future, not the past, and to tackle these challenges head-on in order to facilitate the investments necessary for Puerto Rico to not only recover, but evolve and modernize its infrastructure and economy.

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Perspectivas de la Junta

Título V: herramienta poderosa

Puerto Rico pasa por unos tiempos difíciles. La situación económica y la necesidad de desarrollar soluciones sostenibles representan un reto casi imposible: como construir un avión mientras lo volamos. Pero en el Título V de la ley PROMESA tenemos una herramienta que tendrá un enorme impacto positivo en el futuro económico y de empleos de Puerto Rico.

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Could Puerto Rico Be the Next Hot Tax Haven?

Some 65,000 Puerto Ricans left their bankrupt U.S. island commonwealth last year. A group of private bankers are moving the other way. They’re increasingly opening offshore banks known as International Financial Entities, which were created by a Puerto Rican law in 2012. There are 44 IFEs now, with 18 opening in the past year, according to data compiled by the U.S. territory’s financial regulator. “Just in the last six months, we’ve probably closed seven deals for international banks,” says Ryan Christiansen, president of Christiansen Commercial Real Estate, a brokerage based in Puerto Rico that leases office space.

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Puerto Rico Investment Summit otorga becas a estudiantes sobresalientes

El Puerto Rico Investment Summit (PRIS) anunció la otorgación de siete becas a estudiantes sobresalientes en diversos campos de las ciencias, ingeniería, finanzas y el desarrollo de aplicaciones para teléfonos móviles con el fin de que puedan asistir a las conferencias de este año.

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Puerto Rico: The Tale of Two Economies

Puerto Rico (PR) has received a lot of bad press recently because of its critical fiscal situation. Yes, the Commonwealth of PR is $72 billion in debt, and past governments have been mismanaging the Island’s public funds for over 30 years. The U.S. Congress is partly to blame for this debacle. However, that’s now water under the bridge, the public sector is currently being restructured by U.S. House of Representatives; project #5278, PROMESA. I’d like to talk about the other - less publicized - side of the coin. There is obviously a second economy at play here; the private economy.

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Puerto Rico governor further relaxes tax incentive Acts 20, 22

SAN JUAN – Gov. Ricardo Rosselló signed Tuesday a series of amendments to Acts 20 and 22 of 2012 to reduce the “bureaucratic requirements” for those who want to benefit from their potential. The tax incentive laws were designed to foster the export of services and attract foreign investors to Puerto Rico, respectively.

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Puerto Rico is in a dire financial situation, as the island is a record $120 billion[1] in debt. For some perspective, that is more debt than almost half the states have combined on the state-level, according to U.S Census Bureau data. Climbing out of this deficit may prove especially difficult, as President Trump currently opposes any form of federal bailout for the territory.

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Regional airports for sale

The government of Puerto Rico is selling the regional airports of Fajardo, Patillas and Santa Isabel, which are now closed.

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5th edition of P.R. Investment Summit slated for October

5th edition of P.R. Investment Summit slated for October

The Puerto Rico Investment Summit, the Caribbean's foremost investor's conference, will celebrate its 5th edition October 9-10, at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, organizers announced.

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Consider all Factors to Take Advantage of Acts 20/22’s Amazing Incentives

As one of the first recipients to move to Puerto Rico in 2013 and the founder of The 20/22 Act Society, I have witnessed firsthand the growth of the amazing incentives under Acts 20 & 22 of 2012. We are constantly telling potential recipients that they need to consider multiple factors in making their move, such as lifestyle, culture, cost of living, and not only the incentives under the program. As part of this role, we always try to emphasize that properly complying with the sourcing rules lands much stronger on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) side than on the Treasury Department (Hacienda) side, although I think it is a valid point to say you now serve two masters rather than having escaped one.

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Los incentivos son clave en el impulso económico

Los incentivos son clave en el impulso económico

La efectividad demostrada por las leyes 20 y 22 de 2012, diseñadas para atraer inversiones de negocios, refleja que Puerto Rico ha encontrado un camino idóneo para seguir creando empleos de calidad en el área novedosa de servicios de exportación.

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Nuevo motor para la economía

Empresarios del mundo se instalan en Puerto Rico para hacer crecer sus negocios.

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Biogen Launches Operations in Guayama

SAN JUAN — To the tune of more than $92 million, biotechnology company Biogen will set up shop at the former facilities of Eli-Lilly in Guayama, seeking to create 350 jobs within the next five years, La Fortaleza announced Monday.

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Governor announces jobs created by Lockheed Martin

AGUADILLA — Gov. Alejandro García Padilla participated Tuesday of the inauguration of security, defense and aerospace company Lockheed Martin’s new facilities.

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Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico Opens 3rd Bay

SAN JUAN – Aguadilla-based aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul company Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico has started operating its third bay at the beginning of July. The new bay is a heavy maintenance line performing C-Checks and cabin modifications similar to the existing two operating bays in the hangar. It will be the second line for Spirit Airlines.

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Infotech to Create 250 New Jobs in Isabela

SAN JUAN — With an $11 million investment, aerospace company Infotech announced Monday the expansion of its local engineering service center, creating 250 new jobs during the next couple of years.

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Honeywell Inaugurates Research & Tech Center in Moca

SAN JUAN — With a more than $40 million investment, Honeywell inaugurated Tuesday its new Research & Technology Center in Moca, as Puerto Rico continues to bet on the development of an aerospace industry cluster centered on the island’s northwest region.

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Expert Panel Lauds Benefits of Combining Puerto Rico’s Tax Incentives Laws

SAN JUAN- With Acts 20 & 22 Spearheading Efforts, Act 185 Offers Private Equity Incentives

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The Act 20/22 Study

Tax incentives created by Acts 20 and 22 of 2012 to promote exports and attract investors should remain in place because they can boost Puerto Rico’s economic development, with several thousand new jobs created thus far and millions of dollars invested in local real estate, but the public and private sectors still need to capture their spillover effects, a study commissioned by the Economic Development & Commerce Department (DDEC by its Spanish acronym) has found.

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Puerto Rico Investment Summit Reveals Top Speaker Line-up

The Puerto Rico Investment Summit, the Caribbean's premier investor's conference revealed some exciting new additions to its two-day event, which include John Paulson, Michael Tennenbaum, Rudolph Giuliani, Nicholas Prouty and Jim Millstein.

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Celebran en febrero el Puerto Rico Investment Summit

El evento diseñado para la promoción de inversiones y de actividad económica en Puerto Rico, el 2016 Puerto Rico Investment Summit será el de mayor participación de empresarios en la breve historia de este programa privado, confió Brenda González, presidenta de Adworks, organizadora del encuentro.

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Puerto Rico Investment Summit set for Feb. 2016

After two successful events aimed at the U.S. market, and a first Latin American edition this year, organizers for the Puerto Rico Investment Summit announced Thursday that the 2016 edition will be held Feb. 11-12, at the Convention Center in San Juan.

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Island seals its pitch at Puerto Rico Investment Summit

The latest edition of the Puerto Rico Investment Summit, which ended Tuesday at the Condado Vanderbilt Hotel in San Juan, focused on attracting business players from Spain and Latin America to the island as an investment destination and entry point to the U.S. mainland market.

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Puerto Rico this coming week will try to sell itself to Latin American and Spanish investors as one of the hemisphere's best locations in which to invest, an effort to attract foreign capital to help it pull out of the recession in which it has been mired for almost a decade.

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Puerto Rico Investment Summit seeks to open doors to US market

The Puerto Rico Investment Summit - LATAM Edition on May 18 and 19 aims to bring entrepreneurs and investors closer to the options the island offers as a gateway to the U.S., and as an investment destination.

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Carrión recalca ayuda federal no es solución a todos los problemas de la Isla

El presidente de la Junta de Control Fiscal (JCF), José Carrión, aseguró que no se debe presentar la asignación de los $16,000 millones en ayudas federales como la solución a todos los problemas de Puerto Rico, a la vez que recalcó que son necesarias las reformas estructurales para reactivar la economía de la Isla.

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